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3M Programs (Manage, Mend, Master)

3 long term programs that incorporate counseling, coaching, hypnosis, NLP and any other intervention required to assist with Managing, Mending, or Mastering your mental health

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"For Mental Health Professionals"

Mental Health and Success Coaching

Identify, Clarify, and Achieve Your Goals and Achieve them Consistently


Individual and Group Hypnosis Session

Scientifically Harness your inner strength through your unconscious mind

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

The user’s Manual of your Mind


Breakthrough Session

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to change the trajectory of your life overnight? Well maybe not overnight but certainly in a day. In one intense 6-8 hour session, everything can change.


Individual and Christian Counseling

If you're looking for a safe and supportive environment to address your mental health concerns, look no further. I offer individual clinical mental health counseling and Christian counseling to help you achieve lasting positive change.

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EFT Sessions

Release Energy Blockages from the Body and the Mind


T.I.M.E Techniques Sessions

The Most Advanced Set of Techniques for Releasing the Past

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